Luz Marina is a cook at a local restaurant in Cusco. She is 33-years-old, married, and has two children, ages 7 and 2. She has asked for a loan to start a food stand in a local market (see picture below, which would allow her the opportunity to make some extra money for her family. Like many people in Peru, she is a hard worker, but has little chance to ever save money or make more than she needs for her family's survival/well-being.
Lenders to Luz Marina
(loan repayment complete -- 12/2011)
University of Richmond Cusco May Term Students (re-loan)
Burgess, A. and B. (re-loan)
Vincelli, D. (re-loan)
Sager-Gellerman, G. (re-loan)
DeLaine, B. (re-loan)
Tinsley, M. (re-loan)
Marcin, L. (re-loan)
Bagwell, C./Hicks, D. (re-loan)
Trainer, M. (re-loan)
Ward, C. and A. (re-loan)
Broyles, R. (re-loan)
Dickman, E. (re-loan)
South, J. (re-loan)
Parr, S. (re-loan)
Stoker, C. (re-loan)
Fuchs, J. (re-loan)
Mayes, T. (re-loan)
Doan, T. (re-loan)
Adams, K. and S. (re-loan)
Leonard, G. (re-loan)
Total loan to Luz Marina: $1000
amount of loan to Luz Marina collected to date: $1000