Thursday, January 24, 2013

Loan # 17: Michael Aquehua Loayza -- As of February 2015, Michael has paid back his loan!


We are offering the 17th loan to Michael.  He and his father have wanted to start a restaurant in Cusco for a while, but with the interest on bank loans being so high in Peru, they have not been able to get a break to do this.  This loan will give them this opportunity.  We met Michael through a soccer school in Cusco (see picture below), which is an outreach to local children there.  Michael is one of the coaches. 

As always, we will keep you updated when he pays back the loan and you can decide whether to get your money back or re-loan it to another recipient.

Soccer School in Cusco

Lenders to Michael (as of 2/2015):

Manak, M.  (re-loan)

Adams, S. & K. (re-loan)
Bagwell, C. & Hicks, D. (re-loan)
Rowland, P. & P. (re-loan) 
Bissett, S. & K. (re-loan) 
Revell, B. & M. (re-loan)
Palhomous, A. (re-loan) 

Pham, Mel. (re-loan)
Pham, M. (re-loan) 
Leonard, G. (re-loan) 
Parr, M. (re-loan)
Sager-Gellerman, G. (re-loan) 
Parr Corken, S. (re-loan)
Zeigler, A. (re-loan)

Total loan to Michael:  $1000
amount of loan collected to date:  $1000
amount still needed:  $0